Coping with life changes and transitions could be hard, we all go through these a couple of times in our lives, it may be transferring schools or major events like divorce. . If you feel like your marriage is on the rocks, you could always go to marriage counseling in New York or any other state. These are always hard to go through alone, so here is some advice on how to cope with life transitions:
Signs of Transition in Life
- The things that excited you before no longer excites you today
This is when the things that used to excite you just don’t feel right anymore. It’s like the career that you once dreamed of and you finally get it but then one day, it doesn’t feel right anymore. This is the stage where people “stand at the threshold” between their past way of structuring themselves (like identity, time, or community) and you start being confused and question it.
- Your interests have changed
A great example of this is the transition from childhood to adolescence. As a child, you might be interested in flying kites or playing in rain puddles, but then as you become a teenager, you start getting more interested in music or fitting in.
- A constant restlessness that won’t go away
Sometimes there is this constant nagging that we feel in our guts and you can’t quite put your finger on why you are feeling that way and it could stir up a pool of emotion within. This could be the spur of wanting to try new things, but for some, it could be the midlife crisis that people are talking about. This is often associated with burying your feelings by escaping addictions and distractions, pushing these feelings aside in fear of having to face everything that’s happening in your life right now.
- A lack of direction and purpose
Have you ever felt like you don’t know what you are doing and where you are? Like you are walking in a dark forest with no guidepost or no flashlight? Feelings of darkness, and being alone, and being lost are often preceded by new and exciting things in our life, maybe not at the moment, but in hindsight when you look back to it, it will all make sense. But this is a perfect way to scratch everything and begin again.
How do you cope with transitions in life?
- Evaluate your level of control
- Practice self-care
- Evaluate your thought patterns
- Be present
- Get your priorities straight
How do you make life transitions easier?
- View stress as a challenge, not a threat
You have the power to take an event that you are afraid will overwhelm you or cause you anxiety, you could turn it into an occasion where you can rise above it.
- Appreciate the benefits of change
Change, for some people, is scary. We have a routine, and once that changes, you tend to feel like you are lost, but changes in your routine could serve as stimulation to your nervous system and it allows you to grow new neural pathways.
- Recognize that transitions could hold a special place in your life
There are a lot of big things in our lives and it is a big thing. Rather than trying to shove it out of your mind and your consciousness because you felt rather down or you weren’t feeling the best about it, respect it and just add it as a principle in your life.
- Focus on the positive aspects
It’s not the easiest to focus on the positive, but try to, Downsizing can allow you to declutter. Look out for hopeful signs and you are for sure bound to feel better.
- Prepare
Getting things in order before you go through a planned transition is one of the best ways to guarantee that all of it will work out.
- Turn to your support network
Social support is one of the most significant keys to manage change. It may not only be from the people that are physically there with you, but you could also turn to an online community of people that are going through similar experiences and they could give you the emotional boost you needed.
- Remember the time you have successfully navigated a previous transition
Use the knowledge that you have gained in your previous experiences to conquer this new one. As the saying goes “learn from your mistakes”. You got through your problems or your challenges last time, you could do it again this time.
- Use role models to inspire you through this transition
Use the people who inspire you to help you navigate a challenging period in your life. It could give you comfort to know that someone has gone through the same as you and has conquered it. It’s like giving you the light at the end of the tunnel.
- Realize that change is inherent to life
Without change, our lives would be incredibly dull. People enter your life and leave, material possessions come and go, and sometimes your career involves turning points. Everyone goes through change, that is something you really can’t avoid, w=so when it happens, accept it and just go with the flow.
- Use this transition to reflect on where your life has been and where it is going
A great way to transition and start a new life is to reflect on where your life is at that point and where you want your life to go from there so kind of have a path to follow.
How do you prepare for life transitions?
- Plan ahead
- Consider the possibilities
- Have a support system
Sometimes transitions are unexpected, death of a loved one, loss of a job, or unexpected health concerns. There is strength and perspective to be gained from carefully examining the situation and maybe going to counseling. It would help if you could talk it out and seek the perspective of someone outside the relationship and your bubble of friends and family so that it won’t be biased and no one would be taking sides.